The Jammu and Kashmir unit of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has formed a 17-member Election Committee. The committee includes key party leaders such as BJP State President Ravinder Raina, Lok Sabha MPs Dr. Jitendra Singh and Jugal Kishore Sharma, Rajya Sabha MP Ghulam Ali Khatana, and General Secretary (Organisation) Ashok Koul.

The committee also features prominent figures like former Deputy Chief Ministers Dr. Nirmal Singh and Kavinder Gupta, alongside other senior leaders including Sunil Sharma, Adv. Vibodh Gupta, Dr. Devinder Kumar Manyal, Dr. Darakshan Andrabi, Devinder Singh Rana, Ajay Bharti, and Sanjita Dogra, President of Mahila Morcha.

In addition, Union Minister G. Kishan Reddy, National General Secretary & Prabhari J&K Tarun Chugh, Seh-Prabhari J&K Ashish Sood, and National Secretary Dr. Narinder Singh have been designated as special invitees to the committee. The formation of this committee signals the party’s readiness for the upcoming elections in the Union Territory.