For some time now, all the parties have been busy in preparations in wake of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. The Jannayak Janta Party (JJP), an ally in the power with Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) the main ruling party in Haryana, has been constantly depicting its interest to continue the alliance. But contrary to the JJP, several BJP stalwarts have strongly demanded to bring the existing alliance to an end stating that the same will cost huge loss to the BJP in forthcoming polls in Haryana. While reacting to a query regarding this, the JJP bigshot Dushyant Chautala who holds the portfolio of the Deputy Chief Minister said that both BJP and the JJP are on toes to strengthen their position at their own level, that is a natural process in politics. The BJP and JJP have run the government together so far successfully fulfilling the promises and the alliance will continue in the future also. In such a situation, it has once again become clear that the JJP is willing to remain in the alliance. Apart from this, on contesting elections together, Dushyant Chautala further said that the preparations of the JJP are in full swing in 6 Lok Sabha seats and have sharpened our preparations on these seats. The party will be strengthened on the remaining 4 Lok Sabha seats in the month of February. If both contest elections together then both are most likely political mileage jointly. In a way, Dushyant has made it clear that his party is willing to contest the elections in the recently defeated alliance and would like to continue this.
Aart from aforesaid, following saffron BJP’s victory, there was constant speculation about the possibility and talks of simultaneous conduct of assembly and Lok Sabha elections and now the long-running discussion finally comes to an end after the Deputy Chief Minister Dushyant Chautla clarified the scenario regarding the same. Although BJP National President JP Nadda, who visited Haryana last month, had also hinted at this and despite that things were not completely clear regarding this. Haryana Deputy CM Dushyant Chautala has also now officially made it clear that elections will not be held simultaneously. While reacting to a query, Dushyant Chautala said that an informal proposal was sent by the state BJP to the party high command to hold simultaneous Lok Sabha and Assembly elections in Haryana but contrary to the expectations, the proposal was rejected by the BJP leadership and the reasoning behind it was that at present Haryana BJP Focus on Lok Sabha elections and there will be no assembly elections. Following the statement of Dushyant Chautala, it is evident that assembly polls due in the month of October will be held on scheduled time only.
Earlier, due to the possibility of simultaneous Lok Sabha and assembly elections, all the political parties had come into full swing preparing for the same but it is evident that since the assembly elections will not be held along with the Lok Sabha elections, then the focus remains on parliamentary elections polls. Earlier, the state leadership of BJP had not yet received any such clear signal from the party high command and the Central Election Commission.
Following the victory of BJP in Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, speculations surfaced that the Haryana Assembly elections could be held along with the Lok Sabha. The reason for this is that the tenure of the current assembly is ending in October 2024, while the Lok Sabha elections are to be held in April-May. What the rules book says is that If there is a gap of six months between Lok Sabha and Assembly elections, then the Central Election Commission has the right to conduct simultaneous elections. On the basis of this possibility, all the political parties had started their preparations in the state. Baijayant Panda had come to Panchkula and in the meeting of BJP’s state core group and state officials, he did not give any indication that assembly elections could be held along with the Lok Sabha. However, some officials requested the National President to clarify the situation regarding this matter, after which he said that everyone should prepare for the Lok Sabha elections and focus on 10 Lok Sabha seats. Recently, a meeting of the state BJP had met under the chairmanship of the party’s National President JP Nadda in Panchkula and in the meeting of BJP’s state core group and state officials, they did not give any indication that assembly elections can be held along with the Lok Sabha. However, some officials requested the National President to clarify the situation regarding this matter but the party high command could not reach any such conclusion.

  • Deputy Chief Minister in support of continuing the alliance between the BJP and JJP
  • Divulging more details pertaining to this, Deputy CM the BJP High command rejected the proposal of the state BJP regarding simultaneous conduct of polls