Mukesh Ambani, chairman of Reliance Industries, announced on Saturday that Jio will launch 5G telephony services across India by December 2023. “I make a promise to deliver 5G to every town and taluka by December 2023,” Ambani said at the 6th India Mobile Congress in New Delhi’s Pragati Maidan.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi officially launched the 6th India Mobile Congress and 5G services. He also went to Pragati Maidan to inspect the exhibition.
5G telecommunications services aim to provide seamless coverage, high data rates, low latency, and a highly reliable communications system. The country’s three major telecom operators each demonstrated one use case in front of the Prime Minister to demonstrate the potential of 5G technology in India.
Ashwini Vaishnaw, a cabinet minister, congratulated India on the launch of 5G services. He also mentioned how easy it is to obtain permissions and approvals in the telecom industry.
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