Bollywood actor Sooraj Pancholi was cleared of the abetment of suicide charges in the Jiah Khan suicide case. Now, the late actress’s mother Rabia Khan reacted to the verdict. The video was shared by popular Bollywood paparazzi Viral Bhayani on Instagram.
Post the verdict, Jiah’s mother Rabia Khan was seen talking to the media. She said, “Main ek baat kahungi. Aaj abetment to suicide eradicate hua hai. Lekin the question mark is ‘how did my child die?’ So the cause of death is still pending.” Further, she added that she has maintained from the beginning that ‘this is a case of murder’. When Rabia was asked if she would approach the High Court, she said she will.
A report in NDTV revealed that the actor in his final statement to the court on April 12, 2023 said that he had been booked in a false case, and that he was a ‘victim of a false prosecution and persecution.
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