In another incident of gruesome killing similar to Shraddha Walkar, a man from Jharkhand’s Sahebganj was detained on Saturday for allegedly chopping his second wife into 18 pieces and dumping them in different locations, the police said. The police said that they have detained the victim’s husband namely Dildar Ansari as a suspect in the crime. The incident came to light after the mutilated body of a woman was recovered from an old house in the Santhali Momin Tola area on Saturday evening.
According to the police, the deceased, Rubika Pahadi – a 22-year-old woman belonging to a primitive tribal community was the second wife of Dildar Ansari who was living with his first wife too and the incident was a result of their personal dispute.
Some of the body parts of the deceased are still missing. However, as per the police, they have recovered 12 body parts.
“Rubika Pahadi was the 2nd wife of Dildar Ansari, he already had a wife. This was the cause of their personal dispute. Due to this, they murdered her and chopped her into pieces. The probe reveals the involvement of her husband,” DIG Santhal Sudarshan Prasad Mandal said while talking to news agency.
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