Jennifer Aniston is back on the sets to shoot for the second season of hit series, ‘The Morning Show’ and is taking extreme precautions amid the global Covid-19 pandemic. The 51-year-old actress shared snapshots from the set on Instagram. In one image, she is in costume to face the camera but wearing a clear plastic face shield. Aniston wore a grey plaid shirt and slacks as she got ready for the scene, along with oversized boxed specs underneath her plastic face shield that rested on her neck. It featured her name on a white label. She captioned the picture: “Back to work”. In another image, Aniston gave a glimpse of work in progress. The picture has a production member reviewing a scene while wearing a ““f*** Covid-19” mask attachment on the rear side of his head. She shared the picture and wrote: “I love my crew”. A third image is of the actress’ lipstick print on a tissue paper placed on makeup brushes.
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