In an unexpected move, the Municipal Council of Zirakpur initiated a crackdown on illegal constructions in the village of Chhat, deploying a JCB to demolish walls of three newly built plots. The operation took place on a Sunday, sparking panic among residents of the society, many of whom have been residing in the area for over two decades.
Despite being a holiday, the Municipal Council team proceeded with the demolition, leading to protests from society residents whose houses were also targeted. The aggrieved residents expressed their discontent and announced plans to meet with the Halka MLA on Monday to address their concerns.
According to locals, over 100 houses have been constructed in the society over the past 20 years. They highlighted that the colony has received government-provided electricity and water connections, and the Municipal Council has installed tiles and street lights. Property tax numbers have been issued, and residents claim to have paid the associated fees, with receipts to substantiate their claims.
Residents accused the Municipal Council of taking action without prior notice, expressing their determination to resist any harassment by the administration.
They warned of potential future opposition, vowing to surround the Municipal Council’s office and organize protests if necessary. Responding to the allegations, Sukhwinder Singh, SDO Municipal Council Zirakpur, stated that the action was prompted by a complaint about illegal construction in Chhat village. Singh clarified that only newly constructed houses were demolished, and there is a grace period for society residents to present their property papers.