Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan has hit the theatres today. Many fans took to Twitter to express their views on the film. One of the users wrote, “MUST WATCH! MUST WATCH! #Jawan has crossed Hollywood level of action 1000 cr #JawanReview.” While another person stated, “#Atlee has delivered a masterpiece, blend of emotion and mass action This year belongs to the baadhshah #ShahRukhKhan DON’T MISS IT !!” A fan called the film an “epic Blockbuster.”
‘Jawan’ is helmed by Atlee. The film stars SRK alongside Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi in the lead roles. Apparently, SRK has a double role in the film, which also has a cameo by Deepika Padukone. It will be released in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu languages.
Check out the tweets below
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