A special screening of Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan was held in Mumbai. It was attended by SRK’s darling daughter Suhana Khan, son Aryan Khan and lead actress Nayanthara along with many other celebrities. The star kids were seen twinning in black ensembles. The Archies actress was decked up in a pretty, polka-dotted, noodle-strap dress. On the other hand, Aryan Khan was dressed in a simple black shirt.
Nayanthara looked decked up in a black sleeveless top that she coupled with beige pants, carrying a sling bag.
The film rightfully arrested the attention of fans. The film also stars Vijay Sethupathi as the antagonist, Deepika Padukone, and Sanjay Dutt in cameo appearances, alongside Sanya Malhotra, Ridhi Dogra, Priyamani, and Sunil Grover in important roles.
Stay tuned for more such stories.
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