MUMBAI: Filmmaker Aanand L. Rai went on floor on Monday in Punjab with his new production, Good Luck Jerry. The film features Janhvi Kapoor with Deepak Dobriyal, Meeta Vashishth, Neeraj Sood and Sushant Singh in pivotal roles. The first schedule of the film, directed by Sidharth Sengupta and written by Pankaj Matta, is expected to continue till March. “Colour Yellow welcomes 2021 with #GoodLuckJerry starring #janhavikapoor! The shooting of our new film has begun today,” aanand L Rai wrote on instagram announcing the film. Rai wrapped up the Delhi schedule of his upcoming film Atrangi Re, starring akshay Kumar, Dhanush and Sara ali Khan, in December. Janhvi was last seen in the OTT-released film Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl, which was more in the news because the indian air Force said the film had wrongly depicted the prestigious organisation.
At her campaign launch in Toronto, Freeland emphasized her readiness to confront Trump’s trade challenges,…
Thousands gathered in Tel Aviv as three hostages, held for 471 days by Hamas, were…
Vivian Dsena secured the first runner-up spot, while Rajat Dalal was named the second runner-up.
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Biden hailed a ceasefire in Gaza, marking his last day in office. He praised the…
Biden marked his final day by reflecting on hope and resilience, delivering a poignant speech…