Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor revealed that her parents were conservative and strict when it came to her being in a relationship. In a conversation with Kusha Kapila on Swipe Ride, the talented actress spilled the beans about her first boyfriend.

Janhvi said, “My first ever serious boyfriend was that same ‘chup-chup ke milenge’ ‘jhooth bol bol ke’ all of that and there was a thrill in that but unfortunately, that relationship ended because I had to lie so much and mom and dad were like ‘No you will never have a boyfriend’ and they were very conservative. And that’s when I realized having your parents’ approval and having transparency with them makes everything so easy. It makes you feel so much more confident about your decisions. And having them to share things with and vice-versa, it’s just a very wholesome experience.”

Further, the actress added, “If you feel confident about like ya, I am seeing this person, I can get him home, like my father is okay with it and he’s happy with my choice, it makes you believe in the relationship more. Okay, I must be doing something right.” The Bawaal actress also admitted that Bollywood has influenced her expectations of love a lot.