The ‘Good Luck Jerry’ actress Janhvi Kapoor is well known for her amazing fashion sense. Recently, at an event, the actress wore an outfit designed by Gaurav Gupta. She looked stunning in the yellow co-ord set. Janhvi kept her hair open and straight and opted for a minimal makeup look. Now, she took to her official Instagram and shared a couple of mesmerizing pictures in the yellow co-ord set. Along with the pictures, she wrote, “#PinkvillaStyleIcons.” Reacting to her post, Khushi Kapoor wrote, “Wowwwwwwww.” On the other hand, Rhea Kapoor dropped the red-heart emoji. One of her fans wrote, “Love this look.” Another wrote, “Queen.” A third fan wrote, “Killed it.”
Take a look at breathtaking pictures of Janhvi Kapoor
Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actress is ready to make her Telugu cinema debut opposite Jr NTR in the film NTR 30. Janhvi will also star in Nitesh Tiwari’s directorial Bawaal opposite Varun Dhawan. The film was earlier ready to release on April 7, 2023, but the release date has now been postponed. She was last seen in Mili, which is an official remake of the 2019 Malayalam film ‘Helen’, directed by Mathukutty Xavier. The film is now streaming on Netflix.
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