NEW DELHI: Bollywood actor Janhvi Kapoor, who is currently holidaying in Maldives, on Monday joined the viral ‘Up’ challenge bandwagon and shared a video flaunting her killer dance moves. Janhvi took to her Instagram handle and shared a video dancing to the hit Cardi B song, along with the caption, “Missing the Filmfare stage so the poolside will have to do for now.” In the video, the ‘Gunjan Saxena’ actor, while dressed in a white top and blue denim could be seen matching steps with her friend, who was dressed in a blue bikini, paired with colourful yellow and pink pants. The duo was dancing next to a swimming pool, where they delivered an energetic performance on the upbeat song.

On the work front, Janhvi was last seen in ‘Roohi’, produced by Dinesh Vijan and Mrighdeep Singh Lamba. The film also starred Rajkummar Rao and Varun Sharma.

The horror-comedy became the first film to arrive in theatres after the government allowed cinema halls nationwide to operate at full capacity from February 1 with safety protocols put in place.


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