The Jammu-Srinagar national highway faced a closure on Thursday, affecting traffic flow, due to a landslip in the Ramban district. This unfortunate event left over 200 vehicles stranded along the 270-km highway, the sole all-weather road connecting Kashmir with the rest of the country. Additionally, fresh snowfall occurred at various locations along the highway.

The landslip occurred in the Sherbibi area of Ramban, coinciding with heavy rains in the region. Traffic police reported road damage near Sherbibi and indicated that restoration work is underway. However, the persistent rainfall in the Ramban-Banihal sector is posing challenges to the swift reopening of the highway.

“The road damaged near Sherbibi on Jammu-Srinagar highway and restoration work is about to start,” stated the traffic police on X. The stranded vehicles comprise a mix of private and commercial vehicles, causing inconvenience to travelers. Authorities are actively engaged in efforts to clear the highway and resume traffic, but adverse weather conditions are impeding progress. The traffic police have issued a cautionary advisory, urging people to refrain from embarking on journeys along the highway until weather conditions improve and the road is deemed safe for travel. As the situation evolves, authorities will continue their efforts to restore normalcy and ensure the smooth flow of traffic on the critical Jammu-Srinagar national highway.