Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Monday inaugurated a sporting event ‘Khedan Watan Punjab Dian’ at Guru Gobind Singh stadium in Jalandhar.

Meanwhile, CM Mann also tried his hand at playing volleyball during the event. During the event, CM Mann also went live and tweeted about the event.

“Sports fair under Sports Homeland Punjab, from Jalandhar…Live” CM Mann tweeted.

Moreover, the initiative is taken by the Department of Sports and Youth Services, Punjab to promote sports in the state. The Department of Sports and Youth Services is organizing “Khedan Watan Punjab Diyan-2022”. The event will be organized from 1 September to 21 October.

Talking about the event a player in the tournament said, “I love playing sports, I have come here to participate. Chief Minister also played with us, he talked about sportsmanship and motivated us to play for Punjab and for the country.”

“It was great to have Chief Minister playing with us, it was a very good experience,” another participant said.

However, block-level tournaments will be held from 1 September to September 7 and district-level tournaments will be also held from 12 September to 22 September. From 10 October to 21 October, the final state-level tournaments will be organized.