Under the assembly elections, the counting of votes on 19 assembly seats of Jaipur district will start from 8 am. The counting process will take place on Sunday morning at Rajasthan College and Commerce College located on JLN Marg. The District Election Office is busy finalising the necessary arrangements and arrangements for the counting of votes. District Election Officer Prakash Rajpurohit said that the personnel were given training for the entire process of counting at BM Birla Auditorium and Indira Gandhi Panchayati Raj Institute.
Additional District Collector (III) Ashok Kumar Sharma said that master trainers have trained more than one thousand and six hundred counting personnel in the training camp organised at BM Birla Auditorium.
During this, the Counting Supervisor, Micro Observer and Counting Assistant-I, Counting Assistant-II were made aware of the intricacies of the vote counting process.
He said that about 300 Counting Assistants-III were provided training in the training camp organised at Indira Gandhi Panchayati Raj Institute located at JLN Marg.