Illegal meat shops have been in the news in the capital since the day after the government changed. Hawa Mahal MLA Bal Mukund Acharya had given orders to take action against illegal meat shops on the very first day of BJP’s victory. Since then, officials of Municipal Corporation Greater and Heritage have been on alert mode. Action is being taken against illegal meat shops in the city. Greater Corporation has so far seized 5 illegal meat shops and has seized meat from 15 shops and served notices. Also, 35 people came to get the license. Whereas the Heritage Municipal Corporation issued challans to a dozen illegal meat shops, which were given a week to get licenses.
Invoices of a dozen shops in Heritage Municipal Corporation
Heritage Municipal Corporation has also started action against illegal meat shops in the city. Along with marking illegal shops, action was taken against meat shops in the Bhatta Basti area. During this period, about 50 shops were checked, and some shopkeepers fled from the spot. Meanwhile, challans were made for the shops and they were given time to get the license.
Action against 20 shops in Greater Corporation
The Greater Corporation is identifying illegal meat shops in the area, and a survey is underway for this. In the last three days, action was taken against about 20 illegal shops, in which 5 illegally running shops were seized. Whereas more than 40 kg of meat was seized from 15 shops. This action has been taken at Sanganer, Diggi Malpura Road, and Mansarovar Thadi Market.
35 people applied for a license
In the last two to three days, about 35 people have applied for licenses for meat shops in Greater. Some of these are renovations and some new shopkeepers are also included.