The gorgeous Tamannaah Bhatia was seen turning up the heat at the launch of the Hindi version of Kaavaalaa, a song from trailer. The actress opted for a tight white corset top that put her curves on display. Tamannaah styled the corset top with a pair of grey pants and completed her look with a pair of golden colour shoes, few rings and minimalistic accessories. The video of the actress was shared by popular Bollywood paparazzi on Instagram. In the viral video, she was seen interacting with the photographer and posing for the cameras.
Check out the viral video below
The first song from Jailer, the actress was seen bringing the house down with her dance moves. It went viral instantly with many sharing reels replicating her dance moves. Sung by Shilpa Rao and Anirudh Ravichander, the song was written by Arunraja Kamaraj. Directed by Nelson Dilipkumar, the film sees Rajinikanth play the role of Jailer Muthvel Pandian. It is expected to be an action-packed entertainer. The audio launch is ready to take place on July 28 in Chennai. The event will be attended by Rajinikanth and the cast of the movie.
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