Deputy Chief Minister Mukesh Agnihotri said that opposition leader Jai Ram Thakur has a “disturbed personality”. He said, “Jai Ram remained the Chief Minister of the state for 5 years but could not do any special work to increase investment in the state. Now questions are being raised on the state government. Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhoo has gone on a Dubai tour, and according to the geographical conditions of the state, investment will come, and the state will progress. We advise Jairam Thakur to be patient.”
On the occasion of the inauguration of the 24th Sports and Duty Meet-2023 of the Himachal Pradesh Forest Department, Deputy Chief Minister Mukesh Agnihotri, who arrived in Hamirpur as the chief guest, while talking to the reporters said, “The Central Government has not helped by releasing a relief budget amount of 633 crore rupees. No leader of the BJP has helped. However, now BJP leaders are eager to take credit. The Congress government had kept its side in front of the centre and the court of the public. There was a loss of 12,000 crore rupees, but getting relief from the centre was a distant matter, not even the claim. There are people in the Himachal BJP who stop money. People who obstruct development projects.”
Agnihotri said, “In the BJP, people are stuck in the middle of the Jal Shakti department, including delaying the share of GST and reducing the debt limit by 2500 crore rupees. The role of BJP leaders in the interests of the state has been negative.” He said that there was no contribution of BJP leaders in the relief package because when the demand for a special relief package was being made by the Central Government in the Assembly, the BJP was silent on its tongue without supporting it.
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