The National Security Act (NSA) was on Tuesday imposed against five accused involved in the clashes that took place in Delhi’s Jahangirpuri that erupted between members of two groups during a Hanuman Jayanti procession on 16 April, top government officials said. NSA has been imposed against Ansar, Salim, Imam Sheikh alias Sonu, Dilshad and Ahir for their involvement in the Jahangirpuri violence, officials said. The action was taken a day after Union Home Minister Amit Shah directed Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana to take strict action over Jahangirpuri violence. Shah had given his direction in a telephonic conversation with Asthana followed by a report presented before him by senior Delhi Police officials on the incident. On Saturday, the Home Minister also talked to Asthana and Special Commissioner of Police (Law and Order) Depender Pathak over the incident and asked them to maintain law and order. Earlier, the Rohini court had sent Sonu, alias Imam alias Yunus, to four-day police custody in connection with the Jahangirpuri violence case.
Meanwhile, Delhi police are conducting drone surveillance to keep a vigil over the Central District. “Delhi police also keeping an eye at Jama Masjid and Hauz Qazi area in Central district from the sky with the use of drones,” said DCP Shweta Chauhan, Central District. Besides that, Aman committee meetings were held with residents of the Central district at various police stations under the Central District. “Police officials reached out to communities and appealed to maintain peace and harmony at all times,” added the DCP. “The Aman Committee appealed to people to maintain peace and harmony, and not to spread and trust rumours/misinformation and to report mischievous activities,” police said. The situation in Jahangirpuri is heading towards normalcy amid heavy deployment of security personnel in the violence-hit area, police said on Tuesday.
Delhi Police have arrested people from “both communities” for the violence. Among all the arrested, the police have arrested all the men of a family belonging to “one particular community”. The accused have been identified as Suken Sarkar, his brother Suresh Sarkar, Suken’s two sons Neeraj and Suraj, and Sukeen’s brother-in-law Sujit. Police have also detained Suken’s minor son. After the arrest, Suken’s wife Durga Sarkar said, “My husband, brother-in-law, three sons and my brother have been arrested by the police. They are all innocent. They were on the chariot in the procession and stones were pelted at him. A brick was thrown at my husband. His brother suffered severe injuries to his head, but despite this, they saved the Hanuman idol.” Durga said that her husband came home and told her that people belonging to the “other community” first started arguing with them and they also were the ones to start stone-pelting.
“My husband ran away from that place to save his life. He does a small job and my son is in Class 12. He has his board exams. If he is not released, his life would be ruined,” she added. Durga Sarkar further alleged a larger conspiracy. She said, “Why is just my family members arrested? There were others too. This is a conspiracy; I want my family members to be released.”
Arrested Sujit’s wife Meenu said, “My husband has been arrested by the police. He was pulling the chariot in the Shobha Yatra. He told that 5-6 people came from the mosque and asked them to stop the loudspeaker and stop chanting Jai Shri Ram.”