Andhar Pradesh Chief Minister Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy has directed officials of the school education department to finish revamping schools under the “Mana Badi-Nadu Nedu” works by the end of March 2021. Further reviewing the progress, CM directed officials to prepare standard operating procedures (SOPs) on maintaining quality when renovating these schools.
The government has taken up Mana Badi Nadu-Nedu Program to improve the infrastructure in schools. In the first phase, 15,715 schools are taken up, and the works are nearing completion. The government has already spent Rs. 3700 under phase 1 of Nadu-Nadu works. Under the first phase of the scheme, 15,715 government schools will be renovated with fans, blackboards, water purifiers, cupboards, and other furniture have been replaced. Schools will get nine facilities, including compound walls, toilets, and English labs. The officials have also confirmed phase 2 of Nadu-Nedu Mana Badi works, set to begin on April 15, 2021.
Meanwhile, all the schools have been reopened on February 1. Officials have briefed the CM that there have been around 75% of all government schools’ attendance till now. Stressing on attendance, CM said that the attendance record should be maintained a record through the app and follow the messaging system that if the child is absent at school, an SMS should be sent to the parents. The CM has directed the officials to focus on staff following the biometric system.
Jaganmohan Reddy had also instructed the officials to maintain the school timings from 9 am.
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