MUMBAI: Back to spending time at home amid the coronavirus-induced lockdown, Bollywood star Jacqueline Fernandez on Wednesday posted a stunning monochromatic photo from her home, urging people to stay safe.The ‘Kick’ actor posted a gorgeous picture on Instagram of herself resting in a chair. The picture shows the ‘Aladdin’ actor in a thigh-length jumpsuit and a messy bun. She is seen seated in her room taking rest during the lockdown.

Fernandez captioned the post as “Back to this.. stay safe everyone (and added a joined hands emoticon).”

Celebrity followers including Vaani Kapoor and more than 4.9 lakh fans liked the post on the photo-sharing platform, while many chimed into the comments section and dropped red heart and fire emoticons as they adored the lovable photo.

Of late, the actor has been quite active on social media and has been updating fans on her activities by posting pictures and videos. Earlier, the ‘Brothers’ star shared a picture after her physiotherapy. She shared a photo that showcased the cupping marks down her back when posing for a mirror selfie.Currently, the actor is spending time with her kittens at her home amid the coronavirus-induced lockdown.Meanwhile, 58,924 new COVID-19 cases were reported in Maharashtra in the last 24 hours, according to the state health ministry. As many as 52,412 people recovered in the said period and 351 died. The total case tally reached 38,98,262 while the death toll reached 60,824.