Four residential houses and three vehicles were seized for providing assistance in terror activities, said police on Sunday.“Under different PHQ orders, sanctions have been accorded for the attachment of four residential houses which were involved in harbouring and providing assistance to carry out terrorist activities. Besides, sanctions were also accorded for the seizure of three vehicles including one two-wheeler used for unlawful activities,” informed the police. During investigations, it was found that three residential houses were used for providing assistance to 03 terrorists involved in the commission of a terrorist attack upon CRPF personnel deployed for ROP duties at Lawypora NHW Srinagar.In this terror incident, 4 CRPF personnel got injured and 2 out of them succumbed to their injuries. During the investigation, it was also revealed that the accused have provided shelter and all logistic support to the terrorists in their houses for several times to carry out a terrorist attack.The accused have been identified as Mohd Yousuf Sofi, Khursheed Ahmad and Rameez Ahamd Mir under case 48/2021 U/S 120-B, 302, 307, 392 IPC 7/27, 7/27 A Act 16,18, 20 UAPA of Police Station Parimpora.In another case, it was found that the residential house of Ab Rehman Bhat was used for terror activities as his son namely Ashiq Hussain Bhat was harbouring terrorists in it. In view of the facts circumstances and evidence collected during the investigation of the instant case, it has been proved that the immovable property i.e. instant residential house represented “Proceeds of Terrorism”.It came to the fore that various vehicles were also used for carrying out terrorist activities including 1 four-wheeler, 1 three-wheeler and 1 two-wheeler.“In exercise of powers conferred by section 25 of Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 DGP J&K has accorded sanction for attachment/seizure of the immovable/movable properties in these cases,” read an official statement.“Pertinent to mention here that during the year 2021 PHQ has accorded sanction for the seizure of 75 vehicles, (which include mostly four-wheelers and two-wheelers), 05 houses, 06 shops, land and cash under UAPA,” it concluded. (ANI)
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