Priyanka Chopra has emerged as a global icon but her heart lies with India. She has been in the public eye for almost two decades now but there are still aspects of her life hidden from public knowledge. Spilling the tea on her life, she is on the verge of releasing her memoir ‘Unfinished’. Priyanka on Friday shared the cover of ‘Unfinished’ on social media and announced that her book is up for pre-orders. In a heartfelt post on Instagram, she expressed that ironically, she named her memoir many years ago. In the process of writing the memoir, she realised that “being “unfinished” has deeper meaning for her. She wrote, “I have taken many leaps of faith, often times when I was advised not to…and even when I too was afraid. Some risks paid off, some didn’t but what I learned during is that I have never shied away from change, or forced guilt on myself for leaving something unfinished. And so, while you’ll definitely learn about how I became me during the in between of what you haven’t seen, I also hope you’ll walk away with the confidence of knowing that IT’S OK to pick up, walk away, leave things unfinished, and move on to what’s next. We all have a different story.
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