Barkha Shukla, a former leader of the Delhi Commission for Women, accused the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) of being involved in the selection of members for the organisation and said that no educational screenings were done before recruitment.

“Appointments in the Delhi Commission of Women after 2015 weren’t done as per the rules. They recruited their own people. High salaries amounting to nearly Rs 1 lakh are paid. There has been a lot of corruption. Maliwal’s secretary should be an IAS officer. Earlier there was Archana Arora but she resigned as they misbehaved with her. Then they recruited their own volunteer who did not belong to the IAS category for the post,” she said.

Shukla further alleged that the “fraud” of appointments is taking place under the Aam Aadmi Party’s watch.
“It’s AAP’s fraud. It’s all happening under the Aam Aadmi Party’s watch. They do what they want. The level of education and social work experience of appointees weren’t checked before making a person a member. I had complained in 2015, the result has come now,” she said.

Barkha Shukla made her comments after a special court mandated that DCW Chairperson Swati Maliwal be charged with corruption and criminal conspiracy. The accused reportedly appointed members of the Aam Admi Party (AAP) to various positions inside the commission, and the court determined that there were sufficient evidence to support this claim on a prima facie basis.