Due to suspected tax evasion, income tax raids are currently taking place at several land dealers’ locations in West Bengal and Jharkhand. On Monday, the IT raids began at five in the morning. Over six land traders in Deoghar and Jasidih have had their homes and businesses raided by IT. The sources claim that Mahesh Lath, Sushil Sultania, Uma Shankar Singh, Brajesh Rai, Sanjay Malviya, Raj Narayan Khawade, Sanjyanand Jha, Nand Kishore Das, and Mahesh Mishra are among the well-known people whose homes are allegedly being raided. Raids on IT are also being carried out in Kolkata. According to sources, there is a connection between the people whose houses are being raided and the land.
More details are awaited.
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