MUMBAI: Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan feels the shades of cinema are changing and says it is the right time to be an actor. “Earlier, the commercial cinema was slightly less honest. Satyajit Ray would always talk about the honesty of the kind of cinema he is making, and the world would know India as that kind of country,” Saif said. “As rightfully pointed out, the shades of cinema are changing and it is a right time to be an actor,” he added.

 Nawazuddin Siddiqui agrees with Saif. “Bollywood is such an industry where the most and all kinds of films are made. The beauty of Bollywood is that those who make bigger films also work on shorter films, everything is co-related,” he said.

The stars opened up about the changing face of the industry in an upcoming episode of “Royal Stag Barrel Select Large Short Films.”

Mandira Bedi also opened up on the issue. She spoke of the inclusion of women-centric roles in digital media.