The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has released two images taken by the Chandrayaan-3 probe. The Lander Imager (LI) Camera’s opening picture shows the Earth. On July 14, when Chandrayaan-3 was launched from Sriharikota’s Satish Dhawan Space Centre, the photo was taken.
On August 6, the spacecraft’s Lander Horizontal Velocity Camera (LHVC) captured a second image of the Moon. In relation to the Chandrayaan-3 project, the ISRO posted the following on its X social media platform, Chandrayaan-3 Mission, Earth viewed by Lander Imager (LI) Camera on the day of the launch, Moon imaged by Lander Horizontal Velocity Camera (LHVC) a day after the Lunar Orbit Insertion.
A video of the Moon as viewed by Chandrayaan-3 on August 1 during Lunar Orbit Insertion was previously made accessible by ISRO. Chandrayaan-3’s third orbit reduction operation was carried out on August 9 by ISRO, and it is presently only 1,437 km away from the moon.
Majestic Visuals of the Moon by Chandrayaan 3!
A proud moment for all the IndiansFirst images of the moon captured by ISRO's Chandrayaan-3. #Chandrayan3 #Chandrayaan3Mission
— Amit Thaker (@AmitThakerBJP) August 7, 2023
The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has released two images taken by the Chandrayaan-3 probe. The LI and LHV cameras were developed by the Laboratory for Electro-Optics Systems (LEOS), which has offices in Bengaluru, Karnataka, and Ahmedabad, Gujarat, respectively.
Chandrayaan-3’s third orbit reduction operation was carried out on August 9 by ISRO, and it is presently only 1,437 km away from the moon.