S Somanath, the chairman of the Indian Space Research Organisation, revealed that he received a cancer diagnosis the day India’s Aditya L1 mission was launched. According to Somnath, he underwent a successful procedure to remove the stomach tumour, followed by chemotherapy, and has now fully recovered from the illness.
He discussed his family’s response to the news that he had cancer, saying, “I think of cancer and its treatment as a solution now, but I think they would have been shocked.” The good news is that it is not termina
He said, although he was not entirely clear about it, that he had been aware of certain health-related issues during the Chandrayaan-3 mission launch. Somnath disclosed some details of his battle with cancer, saying, “I wasn’t sure there would be a full recovery during the process.”
Although Somnath stated that he would be routinely checked and scanned, he is already totally recovered and back at work.He continued by saying he is pain-free right now. Physicians found and removed the cancer.
Somnath calmed his family’s anxieties by explaining that the sickness was inherited and that managing it was tough for them.
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