NEW DELHI: Superstar Shah Rukh Khan has been dropping some major hints about his forthcoming film with South filmmaker Atlee but hasn’t made any official announcement yet. This is being hailed as one of the most awaited collaborations of SRK with the South filmmaker. Reports have been doing the rounds for some time that he will star in a film directed by ‘Bigil’ director. Now, the superstar’s manager Pooja Dadlani has sparked the curioisty of fans regarding SRK and Atlee’s collaboration. She took to her Instagram story and shared a selfie from the sets thanking Atlee for providing her with protective gear. Pooja wrote, “Thank you @atlee47 for my extra protective gear on sets. And makes me look super cool and different too.” Talking about the project, a source had earlier told Mid Day, “When Atlee first approached the superstar, he had the plot and a few powerful sequences in mind. Now, the complete script is ready. In March, he flew down to Mumbai to give the final narration to Shah Rukh at Mannat. The actor loved it so much that he immediately agreed. The stylised action drama will be jointly backed by Shah Rukh and Karan Johar. For now, the movie remains untitled.”SRK reportedly has a double role in it.