Popular television actress Rubina Dilaik celebrated her birthday recently. Now, she took to her official Instagram handle and shared a couple of pictures. The actress looked gorgeous in a pink kurta as she first sought blessings from God. In the caption of her Instagram post, she wrote, “Thank you for everything ….. You my Love @ashukla09 make it Special and Special every Year ….. What A Celebration, what a Surprise and what planning @neena325 ❤️”
Take a look at Rubina Dilaik’s Instagram post
However, some fans said that the actress was pregnant as her “baby bump” was clearly visible. Reacting to her Instagram post, one of the fans wrote, “Baby bump is obvious in 1st pic…. But why hide from the public?…. Congratulations on your pregnancy.” Another wrote, “Seems like some little feet are arriving soon.” A third fan wrote, “Baby bump can’t wait for the baby rubbyyyy bosss mammas boss baby.” A fourth fan commented, “She is definitely pregnant forget abt baby bump her face says all ❤️ that glow and face plumpness congratulations”
This is a developing copy.