Recently, Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt took to X to share a promo of Vidhu Vinod Chopra’s directorial 12th fail. Also, the actor mentioned Munna Bhai. In the caption of his post, Dutt congratulated the makers and mentioned Munna Bhai. The actor tweeted, “Film looking great sirji, praying it’s a winner, all the best, now waiting for Munna bhai.”

Here’s what Sanjay Dutt tweeted

For those unaware, Vidhu Vinod Chopra served as the producer of both the Munnabhai films in the series. Directed by Rajkumar Hirani, both films star Sanjay Dutt. Previously, Arshad Warsi told India Today, “Munna Bhai may not happen. This is the weirdest thing. We have a director who wants to make it, a producer who wants to produce it, an audience who wants to see it, actors who want to act in it and still it is not happening.” The actor also revealed that Hirani will not make the film until he is not sure about the script. “The thing is, Raju is insanely perfectionist. He has 3 scripts which are brilliant but there are some glitches. So, till the time he is not 100-200 percent sure of the script, he won’t start it. When you ask him, he will always say yes, never says no. He will say “‘main kar raha ho.. ek baar script fix ho jaaye na, mujhe yeh pasand nahi woh pasand nahi’. Once he crosses that stage, he will start.”