MUMBAI: Irrfan Khan’s elder son Babil on Thursday shared a few unseen pictures of the late actor, revealing how he never wanted to belong to this world. “My family; a Thespis father not wanting to belong to this world, a perfectionist writer/warrior mother that fights with the same passion she loves, an ingenious brother that can find relatable patterns in economics to music, and me, a kid who loves to cry watching children/family animation films,” he wrote on instagram. while speaking about his family, Babil urged everyone not to take any moment for granted. “in the chaos where i find myself lost, engrossed in doubt, feeling like a blob of cheese on the couch, i take a moment and look around, pay attention to people, instead of seeking it for a second,” he said.
“You know? our family, we couldn’t fill a glass of water without spilling, but sometimes all we need is a little backup, and there is no shame in asking for that from the people that love you the most, acknowledge their love. The most important part though, at the end of it all, is to take that chance to tell them that you love them back. Never take your chances for granted,” Babil concluded, leaving netizens emotional.
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