While it was being reported that Bollywood actor Aamir Khan’s darling daughter Ira Khan will get married to her fiancé, Nupur Shikhare. The star kid has denied all the rumours in an Instagram story. Ira shared a picture of the news story which read that the gorgeous couple is getting married next month on October 3. Refuting all the claims, she wrote on her Instagram story, “No no…Not getting married on 3rd October! Later, you’ll know when because I’ll be so excited that it will be hard to not notice @nupur_popeye.”
Take a look at Ira Khan’s Instagram story
For those unaware, according to a story published by Bombay Times, a source was quoted sharing, “The couple has planned an elaborate wedding ceremony in Udaipur. It’s a three-day affair, and the festivities will include their friends and extended family, members. This one, too, will be an intimate affair minus the presence of any people from the film industry. Adding, “The father of the bride is extremely excited and is closely involved with the planning.”
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