Bollywood actor Aamir Khan’s daughter, Ira Khan, offered a glimpse into her wedding preparations through an Instagram post on Wednesday. Accompanying a mirror selfie, the soon-to-be bride declared, “Ready!! I’m going to wear this all day.” Ira is set to tie the knot with her longtime beau and fiance, Nupur Shikhare, on the same day.
Earlier in the day, Ira was photographed outside a city salon, donning a black T-shirt paired with a matching mini-skirt. To accentuate the significance of the moment, she wore a pink ‘Bride-to-be’ headband. Another Instagram story featured a selfie with the caption, “Just sitting around in different places with my head-band!”
The previous night, Aamir Khan and his son Junaid were spotted arriving at the venue for Ira’s mehendi ceremony. Ira and Junaid are Aamir’s children from his first marriage with Reena Dutta. Kiran Rao, Aamir’s former wife, was also seen in her car with their son Azad, both elegantly attired in ethnic clothing.
Aamir, sporting a black tee and harem pants, graciously posed for the paparazzi, expressing gratitude with folded hands before making his way inside. Regarding the wedding, he conveyed, “Thank you.”
Ira had previously exchanged rings with Nupur on November 18 of the previous year, in the presence of close friends and family members. The engagement ceremony witnessed the attendance of the Khan family, including Imran Khan, Aamir’s ex-wives Reena Dutta and Kiran Rao, and actor Fatima Sana Shaikh.
The much-anticipated wedding is scheduled for the evening at Taj Lands End, Bandra, Mumbai.
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