The Haryana government announced on Sunday that mobile internet access in the Nuh district will be suspended until August 8. According to the order issued by the Haryana Home Secretary, the situation in the district is still dire and tense.

“Whereas, it has been brought to my notice by Deputy Commissioner Nub that the law and order situation has been reviewed and the conditions are still critical and tense in the district,” the statement said.
And whereas, after assessment of the current prevailing law & order situation as well as the recommendation of the Deputy Commissioner, Nuh, I am of the considered view that there is a clear potential of disruption of public utilities, damage to public assets and amenities and disturbance of public law and order in district Nuh on account of misuse of Internet services by way of spread of inflammatory material and false rumours, which are being/could be transmitted/circulated to the public through social media/ messaging services on mobile Internet services, SMS services and other dongle services,” the statement added.

Six people, including two Home Guards, were killed in a scuffle between two groups on July 31 in Haryana’s Nuh district on Monday. Earlier on Friday, the Haryana police reported that 141 people had been detained and 55 FIRs had been filed in relation to the rioting and violence that took place in Haryana’s Nuh district on Monday.