New Delhi: Instagram, a Meta-owned social media platform, went down for a while earlier today, preventing many users from logging in and using the platform. However, it has now been restored. Several users took to Twitter to confirm that Instagram is not working for them. While some other users reported that their feeds were not refreshing, others complained of not being able to reply.
According to DownDetector, the first surge in complaints started shortly after 8 pm on 5 July and peaked at around 11 pm, when more than 1200 users reported experiencing problems with Instagram. By SAM on 6 July, the situation appeared to be getting better, but new reports have been mounting that it hasn’t been resolved.
Netizens took to Twitter, reporting their issue of not being able to access the social media platform. A user wrote, “Me to Instagram after refreshing my phone 3 times and reinstalling Instagram 2 times”. Another user posted, “Me waiting for the Instagram dm’s to work again to see the 0 DMS I have #instagramdown.” “No one: Instagram once every month: #instagramdown”, a netizen wrote.
However, unlike previous outages, the app was not unavailable to all Instagram users. Some reports also claimed that some users were able to use the platform during the outage. These users could access their accounts and use all aspects of the platform, including refreshing their feeds and opening new profiles.
Instagram has yet to acknowledge the problem, and no official statement has been issued. The platform has also experienced several similar outages in recent months, including one, last month on the night of Tuesday, 19 April.
The renowned filmmaker passed away at the age of 78.
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