Actor Tiger Shroff has made the most of his time in lockdown. On Tuesday, the superstar dropped his first-ever single titled Unbelievable. While we have seen Tiger perform some heavy-duty action sequences, showcase his dancing skills and pull off emotional scenes on the 70 mm screen, he stepped up his game this time through a singing debut.
Much to the surprise of his fans, Tiger not only sang but also treated his fandom with effortless MJ-inspired dance moves in the music video, which surely earned him some brownie points. Speaking about Unbelievable, Tiger had earlier said, “Growing up, I’ve always been inspired by the likes of Michael Jackson and he has inspired me in so many ways and not just one. One particular way I’ve been trying to summon the courage to sing and dance to my own songs and never really had the courage to take it forward. But this lockdown, I spend a lot of time exploring and discovered something new and something fun and let’s just say that it was an unbelievable experience.”
On the film front, he will be seen in the Hindi remake of Rambo and Vikas Bahl’s next after War’s mega-success.
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