The gorgeous leading lady of Bollywood, Kiara Advani is celebrating her 31st birthday today. Now, an inside picture from the celebrations has surfaced on social media platforms. One of her close friends took to Instagram and shared a lovely picture of the birthday girl from her party. In the viral picture, the talented actress was standing in front of a dining table, dressed in a nightshirt with stripes, paired with open hair and a no-make-up look. The talented actress can be seen with a knife in her hand, and her eyes closed.
Take a look at the viral picture below
Recently, Kiara and Sidharth were spotted at the Mumbai airport. The power couple made a stylish appearance on the morning of July 28 and posed happily for the cameras. Later, the talented actress had shared an adoable selfie of the two of them. Along with the picture, she wrote, “Time to (airplane emoji).” After returning from her vacation, the talented actress will resume work on her film Game Changer in which she is starring opposite Ram Charan. If reports are to be believed, her first look from the film will be released today.
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