Celebrity couple Neha Dhupia and Angad Bedi’s son Guriq celebrated his 2nd birthday yesterday, and now pictures from his superhero-themed party have surfaced on social media. For the bash, Guriq was dressed as Batman. His sister Mehr also matched with him and donned Batwoman’s outfit.
The actress also dressed as a superhero, and was seen wearing a blue cape over her outfit. On the other hand, Angad Bedi was seen wearing a blue superman t-shirt with a matching cap.
Yesterday, Neha shared an adorable video with her son Guriq to wish him on his 2nd birthday. She wrote, “Our baby boy just turned “two” cute … and his mama is outta control! (red-heart emojis) Two years ago on this day the love in our lives and our hearts doubled – (infinity emoji) … god bless our little superhero … our baby G! @guriqdhupiabedi.”
Take a look at Neha Dhupia’s Instagram post
Pictures from the birthday bash