Tragedy struck Sector 10 of Panchkula on a fateful Saturday, claiming the life of a two-year-old girl in a devastating house fire, as reported by the police. The heart-wrenching incident unfolded in the servant’s room on the second floor of a residential building, where the toddler became entangled in the engulfing flames and smoke, ultimately succumbing to a tragic fate of suffocation. Concurrently, the child’s mother, overwhelmed by the perilous conditions, lost consciousness due to a combination of suffocation and panic.
The grim details were shared by investigating officer Vijay Kumar, who received information about the fire at the residential building. Head constable Jaswinder Singh, part of the initial response team, hastened to the scene to find smoke billowing ominously from the building. Amidst the chaos, the unconscious two-year-old was swiftly transported to a nearby hospital in a desperate attempt to save her life. However, the medical team’s efforts were in vain, as the young girl was declared dead on arrival, marking the tragic end to a distressing incident that has left the community in mourning. The profound loss serves as a somber reminder of the unpredictable and devastating nature of fires, leaving behind grief-stricken family members and a community grappling with the aftermath of a heartbreaking event.
Born in Lincolnshire in 1929, Plowright made her stage debut in 1954.
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