The Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) here on Monday released the second list of Lok Sabha polls containing the names of 3 candidates. Divulging more details in this regard, the National General Secretary and party MLA, Abhay Singh ChautALA said that Sunil Tewatia, Anoop Singh Dahiya and Sandeep Lott will contest the polls from from Faridabad, Sonipat and the reserved Sirsa seat respectively. Apart from this, the INLD has decided to extend support to Virendra Singh Maratha from whichever party he contests the elections. It is pertinent to mention that he is among the contenders seeking Congress ticket from Karnal Lok Sabha seat. .Earlier, the INLD released the first list of party candidates last week including Abhay Singh Chautala from Kurukshetra, Sunaina Chautala from Hisar and Gurpreet from Ambala. Notably, INLD candidate Sunil Tewatiya from Faridabad is a member of the State Executive and is the great grandson of Raja Nahar Singh of Ballabhgarh princely state, Whereas party candidate from Sirsa Lok Sabha seat Sandeep Lot hails from Valmiki community and has contested the polls on the ticket of Congress in 2009. His father Fakirchand has been an MLA twice. Whereas INLD candidate from Sonipat, Anup Singh Dahiya who retired from the post of SP, is Dronacharya Awardee and honored with the President’s Police Medal.
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