INLD’s Secretary-General Abhay Singh Chautala visited the residence of the party’s National Spokesperson Ashwini Datta in Yamunanagar last Sunday. During this visit, he stated that if the leaders of the India alliance do not unite in the current circumstances, everyone will go to jail, and elections in the country may cease after 2024.

Chautala expressed that there is a wave of continuous change in the state. People have suffered under the BJP and Congress governments for 10 years each. Now, the INLD will form the government. Abhay Chautala mentioned that if INLD forms the government in Haryana, a commission consisting of retired judiciary members will be established to investigate any scandals. The commission will examine the misdeeds of various departments, and action will be taken against such leaders and officials. It is worth mentioning that INLD, a prominent opposition party in the 2024 elections, has remained as the sole legislator party. Abhay Chautala is engaged in a journey of transformation and organizing rallies to strengthen the organization. He claims that in 2024, there will be a government led by BJP-JJP, and INLD will come into power.