After a grand roadshow in Madhya Pradesh’s Indore ahead of the upcoming assembly polls, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, impressed by the city’s reputation as the cleanest in India, promptly instructed BJP workers to ensure a quick clean-up. In line with Indore’s status, the entire stretch covered during the roadshow was efficiently cleaned within hours.

The huge roadshow, which was part of the BJP’s Madhya Pradesh assembly election campaign, began in the Bada Ganpati neighbourhood and ended in the busy Rajwada area, encompassing critical seats Indore 1, Indore 3, and Indore 4. During the roadshow, locals showered flower petals on PM Modi as he drove through the city.

Following the roadshow, PM Modi’s command prompted a quick cleaning effort by city officials and party members, ensuring the area remained pristine overnight. Indore, a six-time winner of the cleanest city title, will attempt to win for the seventh time in a row in the forthcoming rankings.

Prime Minister Modi, conscious of Indore’s clean image, prioritised the swift clean-up after the roadshow, aligning with the city’s commitment to maintaining its reputation. The Madhya Pradesh assembly polls are scheduled for November 17, with vote counting set for December 3, where voters will elect representatives from 230 assembly constituencies.