India’s power consumption surged 10 per cent to 1375.57 billion units (BU) during April-February this fiscal year, and has already surpassed the level of electricity supplied in entire 2021-22.
The government data showed that power consumption in April-February 2021-22 was 1245.54 BU.
In entire fiscal year 2021-22, power consumption was 1374.02 BU, which is less than 1375.57 BU recorded during April 2022 to February 2023 period.
Experts say power consumption is expected to grow in double digits in the coming months in view of forecasts of unprecedented high demand, especially in summer. The power ministry has estimated peak power demand in the country at 229 GW during April this year, which is higher than 215.88 GW recorded in the same month a year ago. The ministry has taken many steps to meet high power demand and also asked state utilities to not go for power cuts or load shedding.
The ministry has also asked all imported coal-based power plants to run on full capacity from March 16, 2023, to June 15, 2023.
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