India’s longest surviving tiger, Raja, who was more than 25 years old, passed away at SKB Rescue Centre on Monday. “With a very sad heart, this is to inform you that ‘Raja’ the tiger from SKB Rescue Center, died today morning around 3 a.m. He died at the age of 25 years and 10 months making him one of the longest surviving tigers in the country,” forest department officials said.
In August 2008, ‘Raja’ was brought to the South Khairbari Tiger Rescue Center in North Bengal, after being injured by a crocodile in a territorial fight with more than 10 injuries.
Veterinary doctor Pralay Mandal along with Wildlife Guard Partha Sarthi Sinha and other staff members, with utmost dedication and labour, had then healed the magnificent beast at South Khairbari, the official said.
He was almost 11 years old when he was bought to the South Khairbari rescue centre, and there he survived for another 15 years, making him one of the oldest surviving tigers in the country.
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The renowned filmmaker passed away at the age of 78.
Born in Lincolnshire in 1929, Plowright made her stage debut in 1954.