India added over 86,000 coronavirus infections to its overall case count in 24 hours, as the tally crossed 58 lakh. The death toll has increased to 92,290 as 1,141 more patients succumbed to the virus in the last one day. The number of active cases has also increased for the first time in six days, to rise to 9.7 lakh. Yet, India’s recovery rate continues to rise and now stands at 80.7 percent. Globally, India has the second-highest number of coronavirus cases, behind the United States where infections crossed 7 million.
India’s worst affected state due to Covid-19, Maharashtra’s tally rose to 13,00,757 with the single-day addition of 17,794 cases. With the death of 416 patients during the day, the fatality count in the state mounted to 34,761. 19,592 patients were discharged after treatment, which took the number of recoveries in the state to 9,92,806. There are 2,72,775 active cases in Maharashtra at present.
The national capital reported 3,827 new Covid-19 cases, 4,061 recoveries and 24 deaths in last 24 hours, taking total positive cases to 2,64,450 including 2,28,436 recoveries, 30,867 active cases and 5,147 deaths. As many as 11,797 tests were conducted in 24 hours.
Coronavirus cases continue to rise in Uttar Pradesh which reported 4,519 fresh coronavirus cases in last 24 hours, taking the infection tally to 3,78,533, while 84 more deaths pushed the toll to 5,450. Lucknow, the state capital, reported the maximum number of fresh cases and deaths.
Haryana reported 18 more coronavirus fatalities as 2,024 fresh cases surfaced, taking the numbers to 1,273 deaths and 1,20,578 infections. After the outbreak of the pandemic, over one lakh people have recovered from the infection so far. Currently, there are 18,032 active cases in the state while 1,01,273 people have been discharged after recovery. Jammu and Kashmir recorded 1,218 new Covid-19 cases in last 24 hours. Out of 1,218 cases 642 from Jammu division and 576 from Kashmir division. The total number of cases now at 69,832 including 19,170 active cases, 49,557 recoveries and 1105 deaths.
West Bengal reported 3,190 new Covid-19 cases, 2,978 discharges and 59 deaths in last 24 hours. The total cases in the state rise to 2,41,059, including 2,11,020 discharges and 4,665 deaths. The active cases stand at 25,374.
Andhra Pradesh recorded 48 deaths and 7,073 new Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours. The total number of cases in the state increase to 6,61,458 including 67,683 active cases, 58,8169 recoveries and 5,606 deaths.
Tamil Nadu reported 5,679 new Covid-19 cases, 5,626 recoveries and 72 deaths in last 24 hours, taking total cases to 5,69,370 including 5,13,836 recoveries, 9,148 deaths. The state currently has 46,386 active cases.
Karnataka reported 8,655 new Covid-19 cases, 5,644 discharges and 86 deaths in last 24 hours. The total number of cases in the state now stands at 5,57,212 including 98,474 active cases, 4,50,302 discharges and 8,417 deaths.
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