India’s Covid-19 tally cross the 71-lakh mark on Monday, but there was a sigh of relief with the new cases coming down the 70,000 mark. With an increase of 66,732 new cases, the country’s coronavirus tally reached 71,20,539 on Monday, according to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW). 

As per the ministry, with 816 deaths, the toll due to the disease has reached 1,09,150 in the country. Now the Covid-19 count includes 8,61,853 active cases with 61,49,536 cured and discharged or migrated patients. 

Maharashtra, with 2,21,637 active cases, continues to be the worst affected state in the country. While 12,66,240 patients have recovered from the disease in the state, 40,349 died so far. Among other top states, Karnataka has 1,15,776 active cases while Andhra Pradesh has reported 43,983 active Covid-19 cases so far.

 Tamil Nadu reported 4,879 new COVID-19 cases, 5,165 recoveries and 62 deaths today, taking total positive cases to 6,61,264, including 6,07,203 discharged cases, 10,314 deaths and 43,747 active cases, according to the State Health Department. Kerala reported 5,930 new COVID-19 cases, taking active cases in the state to 94,388. A total of 1,99,634 people have recovered till now, said the State Government.

 Delhi’s count of active cases is at 21,701, while over 2.8 lakh patients have recovered, besides 5,769 dying by Covid-19. Puducherry recorded 189 new Covid-19 cases, 264 discharges and two deaths today. Total cases in the Union Territory rose to 31,737, including 4,617 active cases, 26,555 recoveries and 565 deaths, according to the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Puducherry.

 As many as 732 new cases were reported on 11 October, taking the total count of active cases in Bihar to 11,829, as per the State Health Department, Government of Bihar. Odisha has reported 2,423 new cases, taking the total count of people infected with the virus to 2,54,662, said the State’s Information and Public Relations (I&PR) Department on Monday.

 Rajasthan reported 2,132 new Covid-19 cases, 1,858 recoveries and 15 deaths today, taking total positive cases to 1,61,184 including 1,37,848 recoveries, 21,671 active cases and 1,665 deaths, said State Health Department.