Jaahnavi Kandula, a 23-year-old Indian student, met a tragic end when Officer Kevin Dave’s patrol vehicle struck her in Seattle on January 23. Responding to a drug overdose call, Officer Dave was reportedly driving at 74 mph during the incident. Despite the distressing circumstances, the King County Prosecutor’s Office has declared that they will not pursue criminal charges against Officer Kevin Dave, citing insufficient evidence under Washington State law.
Expressing the deep impact of Kandula’s death on communities, King County Prosecuting Attorney Leesa Manion acknowledged the challenges in reviewing the evidence. Manion stated, “I have determined that we lack sufficient evidence under Washington State law to prove a criminal case beyond a reasonable doubt.”
India has also requested a review of the US court ruling that dismissed criminal charges against Seattle police officer Kevin Dave, was involved in the death of 23-year-old Indian student Jaahnavi Kandula.
People all over the world are also sharing views on social media and demanding justice for deceased girl and her family.