In a Groundbreaking achievement, Indian Doctors from the Apollo Hospitals Bangalore have recently conducted a cardiac surgery with a complex robotic procedure, on a 38-year-old Yemeni Patient, who was suffering from Mitral Valve Disease (MVD) in just 29 minutes.

Thus, solidifying India’s growing reputation as a provider of quality but affordable healthcare.

The 38-year-old Yemini patient earlier visited Apollo Hospitals, Bangalore, at Bannerghatta Road. He for a very long time, was suffering from Mitral Valve Disease.

Looking at his deteriorating condition, he was later treated to Robotic Mitral Valve Replacement (MVR) with mechanical valve. Which got completed within mere 29 minutes.

This procedure gave great results to the doctors, as this advanced technological surgery managed to address the challenges associated with severe heart conditions.

Speaking about this surgery, Apollo doctor Dr Sathyaki Nambala said, ‘At Apollo Hospitals, our dedicated team of cardiologists, nurses, and technicians work together to provide comprehensive care that addresses the full spectrum of heart diseases. The robotic Mitral Valve replacement, which we now perform routinely, exemplifies how advanced technology and a multidisciplinary approach can transform complex cardiac surgeries into efficient, life-saving procedures. Completing this procedure in just 29 minutes is a testament to the robotic expertise of our team here as well as our commitment to excellence in patient care.’

Meanwhile, in the aftermath of the surgery, the patient’s recovery was smooth and on day 3, he was discharged from the hospital. Currently, he’s in Yemen and leading a normal life with his family.